It could of course be said that many right-thinking Christian true believers now openly believe that salvation will come or be ushered in by their "savior" in the form of Orange Jesus descending the steps of Airforce One if he happens to be re-elected as President.

He is of course a religiously and culturally illiterate nihilistic barbarian - a very low brow Borgian.

Perhaps you should subscribe to and promote Praeger "University" as an alternative to main stream Universities

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Murray - Quite the discourse my friend - quite the discourse! Personally, I certainly hope that this apocalyptic year you are discussing will be much less severe than the one discussed in the Book of Revelations!

If you want to see a good TV dramatization of the interactions between Pope Alexander VI and Savonorola, go the Prime Video series. - "The Borgias" - the Savonorola saga gets several episodes - ending of course when he was burnt alive at the stake. - Who says that the early Christians did not practice human sacrifice?? Not me. (Pope Alexander (the Borgia Pope) was certainly corrupt - probably a stronger word would better describe that Dude).

Well - my friend - here is wishing You and Yours a Happy and Peaceful New Year!

Your friend - Randy Henkle

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